
Module Contents



Position and velocity of a body with respect to an attractor




poliastro.twobody.orbit.scalar.ORBIT_FORMAT = '{r_p:.0f} x {r_a:.0f} x {inc:.1f} ({frame}) orbit around {body} at epoch {epoch} ({scale})'
poliastro.twobody.orbit.scalar.ORBIT_NO_FRAME_FORMAT = '{r_p:.0f} x {r_a:.0f} x {inc:.1f} orbit around {body} at epoch {epoch} ({scale})'
class poliastro.twobody.orbit.scalar.Orbit(state, epoch)

Bases: poliastro.twobody.orbit.creation.OrbitCreationMixin

Position and velocity of a body with respect to an attractor at a given time (epoch).

Regardless of how the Orbit is created, the implicit reference system is an inertial one. For the specific case of the Solar System, this can be assumed to be the International Celestial Reference System or ICRS.

property attractor

Main attractor.

property epoch

Epoch of the orbit.

property plane

Fundamental plane of the frame.

property nu

True anomaly.


Position vector.


Velocity vector.


Semimajor axis.


Semilatus rectum.


Radius of pericenter.


Radius of apocenter.






Right ascension of the ascending node.


Argument of the perigee.


Second modified equinoctial element.


Third modified equinoctial element.


Fourth modified equinoctial element.


Fifth modified equinoctial element.


True longitude.


Period of the orbit.


Mean motion.


Specific energy.


Eccentricity vector.


Specific angular momentum vector.


Specific angular momentum.


Argument of latitude.


Elapsed time since latest perifocal passage.


Get equivalent reference frame of the orbit.

New in version 0.14.0.

change_attractor(new_attractor, force=False)

Changes orbit attractor.

Only changes from attractor to parent or the other way around are allowed.

  • new_attractor (poliastro.bodies.Body) – Desired new attractor.

  • force (bool) – If True, changes attractor even if physically has no-sense.


ss – Orbit with new attractor

Return type



Changes fundamental plane.


plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

represent_as(representation, differential_class=None)

Converts the orbit to a specific representation.

New in version 0.11.0.

  • representation (BaseRepresentation) – Representation object to use. It must be a class, not an instance.

  • differential_class (BaseDifferential, optional) – Class in which the differential should be represented, default to None.


>>> from poliastro.examples import iss
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SphericalRepresentation
>>> iss.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)
<CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) in km
    (859.07256, -4137.20368, 5295.56871)>
>>> iss.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation).xyz
<Quantity [  859.07256, -4137.20368,  5295.56871] km>
>>> iss.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation, CartesianDifferential).differentials['s']
<CartesianDifferential (d_x, d_y, d_z) in km / s
    (7.37289205, 2.08223573, 0.43999979)>
>>> iss.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation, CartesianDifferential).differentials['s'].d_xyz
<Quantity [7.37289205, 2.08223573, 0.43999979] km / s>
>>> iss.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation, CartesianDifferential)
<SphericalRepresentation (lon, lat, distance) in (rad, rad, km)
    (4.91712525, 0.89732339, 6774.76995296)
 (has differentials w.r.t.: 's')>

Position and velocity vectors.


Classical orbital elements.


Perifocal frame (PQW) vectors.


Return str(self).


Return repr(self).

propagate(value, method=FarnocchiaPropagator())

Propagates an orbit a specified time.

If value is true anomaly, propagate orbit to this anomaly and return the result. Otherwise, if time is provided, propagate this Orbit some time and return the result.

  • value (Quantity, Time, TimeDelta) – Scalar time to propagate.

  • method (function, optional) – Method used for propagation, default to farnocchia.


New orbit after propagation.

Return type



Returns time required to be in a specific true anomaly.


value (Quantity) –


tof – Time of flight required.

Return type



Propagates an orbit to a specific true anomaly.


value (Quantity) –


Resulting orbit after propagation.

Return type



Samples Orbit to return an ephemerides.

New in version 0.17.0.

sample(values=100, *, min_anomaly=None, max_anomaly=None)

Samples an orbit to some specified time values.

New in version 0.8.0.

  • values (int) – Number of interval points (default to 100).

  • min_anomaly (Quantity, optional) – Anomaly limits to sample the orbit. For elliptic orbits the default will be \(E \in \left[0, 2 \pi \right]\), and for hyperbolic orbits it will be \(\nu \in \left[-\nu_c, \nu_c \right]\), where \(\nu_c\) is either the current true anomaly or a value that corresponds to \(r = 3p\).

  • max_anomaly (Quantity, optional) – Anomaly limits to sample the orbit. For elliptic orbits the default will be \(E \in \left[0, 2 \pi \right]\), and for hyperbolic orbits it will be \(\nu \in \left[-\nu_c, \nu_c \right]\), where \(\nu_c\) is either the current true anomaly or a value that corresponds to \(r = 3p\).


positions – Array of x, y, z positions.

Return type



When specifying a number of points, the initial and final position is present twice inside the result (first and last row). This is more useful for plotting.


>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from poliastro.examples import iss
>>> iss.sample()  
<CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) in km ...
>>> iss.sample(10)  
<CartesianRepresentation (x, y, z) in km ...
apply_maneuver(maneuver, intermediate=False)

Returns resulting Orbit after applying maneuver to self.

Optionally return intermediate states (default to False).

  • maneuver (Maneuver) – Maneuver to apply.

  • intermediate (bool, optional) – Return intermediate states, default to False.

plot(backend=None, label=None)

Plots the orbit.

  • backend (OrbitPlotterBackend) – An instance of OrbitPlotterBackend for rendendering the scene.

  • label (str, optional) – Label for the orbit, defaults to empty.


An object for plotting orbits.

Return type


elevation(lat, theta, h)



elevation – Elevation of the orbit with respect to a location on attractor, in units of radian.

Return type



Local sideral time needs to be precomputed. If Earth is the attractor, it can be computed using poliastro.earth.util.get_local_sidereal_time.

classmethod from_vectors(attractor, r, v, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return Orbit from position and velocity vectors.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • r (Quantity) – Position vector wrt attractor center.

  • v (Quantity) – Velocity vector.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod from_coords(attractor, coord, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Creates an Orbit from an attractor and astropy SkyCoord or BaseCoordinateFrame instance.

This method accepts position and velocity in any reference frame unlike Orbit.from_vector which can accept inputs in only inertial reference frame centred at attractor. Also note that the frame information is lost after creation of the orbit and only the inertial reference frame at body centre will be used for all purposes.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor

  • coord (SkyCoord or BaseCoordinateFrame) – Position and velocity vectors in any reference frame. Note that coord must have a representation and its differential with respect to time.

  • plane (Planes, optional) – Final orbit plane, default to Earth Equator.

classmethod from_classical(attractor, a, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return Orbit from classical orbital elements.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • a (Quantity) – Semi-major axis.

  • ecc (Quantity) – Eccentricity.

  • inc (Quantity) – Inclination

  • raan (Quantity) – Right ascension of the ascending node.

  • argp (Quantity) – Argument of the pericenter.

  • nu (Quantity) – True anomaly.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod from_equinoctial(attractor, p, f, g, h, k, L, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return Orbit from modified equinoctial elements.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • p (Quantity) – Semilatus rectum.

  • f (Quantity) – Second modified equinoctial element.

  • g (Quantity) – Third modified equinoctial element.

  • h (Quantity) – Fourth modified equinoctial element.

  • k (Quantity) – Fifth modified equinoctial element.

  • L (Quantity) – True longitude.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod from_ephem(attractor, ephem, epoch)

Create osculating orbit from ephemerides at a given epoch.

This will assume that the Ephem coordinates are expressed with respect the given body.

  • ephem (Ephem) – Ephemerides object to use.

  • attractor (Body) – Body to use as attractor.

  • epoch (Time) – Epoch to retrieve the osculating orbit at.

classmethod from_sbdb(name, **kwargs)

Return osculating Orbit by using SBDB from Astroquery.

  • name (str) – Name of the body to make the request.

  • **kwargs – Extra kwargs for astroquery.


ss – Orbit corresponding to body_name

Return type



>>> from poliastro.twobody.orbit import Orbit
>>> apophis_orbit = Orbit.from_sbdb('apophis')  
classmethod circular(attractor, alt, inc=0 * u.deg, raan=0 * u.deg, arglat=0 * u.deg, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return circular Orbit.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • alt (Quantity) – Altitude over surface.

  • inc (Quantity, optional) – Inclination, default to 0 deg (equatorial orbit).

  • raan (Quantity, optional) – Right ascension of the ascending node, default to 0 deg.

  • arglat (Quantity, optional) – Argument of latitude, default to 0 deg.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod stationary(attractor)

Return the stationary orbit for the given attractor and its rotational speed.


attractor (Body) – Main attractor.


New orbit.

Return type


classmethod synchronous(attractor, period_mul=1 * u.one, ecc=0 * u.one, inc=0 * u.deg, argp=0 * u.deg, arglat=0 * u.deg, raan=0 * u.deg, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Returns an orbit where the orbital period equals the rotation rate of the orbited body. The synchronous altitude for any central body can directly be obtained from Kepler’s Third Law by setting the orbit period Psync, equal to the rotation period of the central body relative to the fixed stars D*. In order to obtain this, it’s important to match orbital period with sidereal rotation period.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • period_mul (Quantity) – Multiplier, default to 1 to indicate that the period of the body is equal to the sidereal rotational period of the body being orbited, 0.5 a period equal to half the average rotational period of the body being orbited, indicates a semi-synchronous orbit.

  • ecc (Quantity) – Eccentricity,default to 0 as a stationary orbit.

  • inc (Quantity) – Inclination,default to 0 deg.

  • raan (Quantity) – Right ascension of the ascending node,default to 0 deg.

  • argp (Quantity) – Argument of the pericenter,default to 0 deg.

  • arglat (Quantity, optional) – Argument of latitude, default to 0 deg.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.


New orbit.

Return type



ValueError – If the pericenter is smaller than the attractor’s radius.



\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}P_{s y n c}=D^{*} \\\end{split}\\\begin{split}a_{s y n c}=\left(\mu / 4 \pi^{2}\right)^{1 / 3}\left(D^{*}\right)^{2 / 3}\\\end{split}\\\begin{split}H_{s y n c}=a_{s y n c} - R_{p l a n e t}\\\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
classmethod heliosynchronous(attractor, a=None, ecc=None, inc=None, raan=0 * u.deg, argp=0 * u.deg, nu=0 * u.deg, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Creates a Sun-Synchronous orbit.

These orbits make use of the J2 perturbation to precess in order to be always towards Sun. At least two parameters of the set {a, ecc, inc} are needed in order to solve for these kind of orbits.

Relationships among them are given by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} a &= \left (\frac{-3R_{\bigoplus}J_{2}\sqrt{\mu}\cos(i)}{2\dot{\Omega}(1-e^2)^2} \right ) ^ {\frac{2}{7}}\\ e &= \sqrt{1 - \sqrt{\frac{-3R_{\bigoplus}J_{2}\sqrt{\mu}cos(i)}{2a^{\frac{7}{2}}\dot{\Omega}}}}\\ i &= \arccos{\left ( \frac{-2a^{\frac{7}{2}}\dot{\Omega}(1-e^2)^2}{3R_{\bigoplus}J_{2}\sqrt{\mu}} \right )}\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • attractor (SolarSystemPlanet) – Attractor.

  • a (Quantity) – Semi-major axis.

  • ecc (Quantity) – Eccentricity.

  • inc (Quantity) – Inclination.

  • raan (Quantity) – Right ascension of the ascending node.

  • argp (Quantity) – Argument of the pericenter.

  • nu (Quantity) – True anomaly.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod parabolic(attractor, p, inc, raan, argp, nu, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return a parabolic Orbit.

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • p (Quantity) – Semilatus rectum or parameter.

  • inc (Quantity, optional) – Inclination.

  • raan (Quantity) – Right ascension of the ascending node.

  • argp (Quantity) – Argument of the pericenter.

  • nu (Quantity) – True anomaly.

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.

classmethod frozen(attractor, alt, inc=None, argp=None, raan=0 * u.deg, arglat=0 * u.deg, ecc=None, epoch=J2000, plane=Planes.EARTH_EQUATOR)

Return a frozen Orbit. If any of the given arguments results in an impossibility, some values will be overwritten.

To achieve frozen orbit these two equations have to be set to zero.

\[\dfrac {d\overline {e}}{dt}=\dfrac {-3\overline {n}J_{3}R^{3}_{E}\sin \left( \overline {i}\right) }{2a^{3}\left( 1-\overline {e}^{2}\right) ^{2}}\left( 1-\dfrac {5}{4}\sin ^{2}\overline {i}\right) \cos \overline {w}\]
\[\dfrac {d\overline {\omega }}{dt}=\dfrac {3\overline {n}J_{2}R^{2}_{E}}{a^{2}\left( 1-\overline {e}^{2}\right) ^{2}}\left( 1-\dfrac {5}{4}\sin ^{2}\overline {i}\right) \left[ 1+\dfrac {J_{3}R_{E}}{2J_{2}\overline {a}\left( 1-\overline {e}^{2}\right) }\left( \dfrac {\sin ^{2}\overline {i}-\overline {e}\cos ^{2}\overline {i}}{\sin \overline {i}}\right) \dfrac {\sin \overline {w}}{\overline {e}}\right]\]

The first approach would be to nullify following term to zero:

\[( 1-\dfrac {5}{4}\sin ^{2})\]

For which one obtains the so-called critical inclinations: i = 63.4349 or 116.5651 degrees. To escape the inclination requirement, the argument of periapsis can be set to w = 90 or 270 degrees to nullify the second equation. Then, one should nullify the right-hand side of the first equation, which yields an expression that correlates the inclination of the object and the eccentricity of the orbit:

\[\overline {e}=-\dfrac {J_{3}R_{E}}{2J_{2}\overline {a}\left( 1-\overline {e}^{2}\right) }\left( \dfrac {\sin ^{2}\overline {i}-\overline {e}\cos ^{2} \overline {i}}{\sin \overline {i}}\right)\]

Assuming that e is negligible compared to J2, it can be shown that:

\[\overline {e}\approx -\dfrac {J_{3}R_{E}}{2J_{2}\overline {a}}\sin \overline {i}\]

The implementation is divided in the following cases:

  1. When the user gives a negative altitude, the method will raise a ValueError

  2. When the attractor has not defined J2 or J3, the method will raise an AttributeError

  3. When the attractor has J2/J3 outside of range 1 to 10 , the method will raise an NotImplementedError. Special case for Venus.See “Extension of the critical inclination” by Xiaodong Liu, Hexi Baoyin, and Xingrui Ma

  4. If argp is not given or the given argp is a critical value:

    • if eccentricity is none and inclination is none, the inclination is set with a critical value and the eccentricity is obtained from the last formula mentioned

    • if only eccentricity is none, we calculate this value with the last formula mentioned

    • if only inclination is none ,we calculate this value with the formula for eccentricity with critical argp.

  5. If inc is not given or the given inc is critical:

    • if the argp and the eccentricity is given we keep these values to create the orbit

    • if the eccentricity is given we keep this value, if not, default to the eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth

  6. if it’s not possible to create an orbit with the the argp and the inclination given, both of them are set to the critical values and the eccentricity is calculate with the last formula

  • attractor (Body) – Main attractor.

  • alt (Quantity) – Altitude over surface.

  • inc (Quantity, optional) – Inclination, default to critical value.

  • argp (Quantity, optional) – Argument of the pericenter, default to critical value.

  • raan (Quantity, optional) – Right ascension of the ascending node, default to 0 deg.

  • arglat (Quantity, optional) – Argument of latitude, default to 0 deg.

  • ecc (Quantity) – Eccentricity, default to the eccentricity of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth

  • epoch (Time, optional) – Epoch, default to J2000.

  • plane (Planes) – Fundamental plane of the frame.